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History of Polo in India

History of Polo in India

The first recorded game of polo was played in 600 B.C. in Persia (modern Iran). Mounted nomads migrating from Central...
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History of Polo in Spain

History of Polo in Spain

The history of polo in Spain, begins like most European countries as the sport began to come from surrounding European...
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Another Exciting Season in Palm Beach

Another Exciting Season in Palm Beach

There are few tournaments in the world that require as much grit, strength, strategy and teamwork as the Gauntlet of...
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History of Polo in Australia

History of Polo in Australia

“I love London. I love the U.K., but if I was going to live anywhere else on Earth, it would...
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History of Polo in Germany

History of Polo in Germany

Polo first reached Germany in the mid 1890’s through Hanseatic merchants who learned of its growing popularity throughout England. Shortly...
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History of Polo in South Africa

History of Polo in South Africa

Polo was brought to the western world by British cavalry regiments. But it was the British infantry that is credited...
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