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Sao Pablo, Brazil

Travel to Brazil

Taking up half of South America, Brazil covers over 2,000 miles from its northern end to its most southern tip and is the fifth largest country in the world. The massive stretch of tropical and subtropical landscapes is home to the largest river system in the world. Brazil’s rich cultural history is heavily influenced by its inland border connections to almost every South American country, including Argentina and Uruguay. These… Read More »Travel to Brazil

History of Polo in Brazil

After securing its independence, Brazil assumed the debts of Portugal to the British Empire. Brazil, being lush with natural resources, decided to work with Britain to create railways to transport Brazil’s many exports. This connection not only brought Brazil out of debt and into good standings with Britain, but it also introduced the sport of polo to Sao Paulo. After English engineers initially introduced the sport to Brazil, polo quickly… Read More »History of Polo in Brazil