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Growth of Women’s Polo

Historically the sport of polo has been highly male dominated. Due to the fact that polo was brought to western society as a way to train cavalry units early in the 19th century, men were the only people who were able to benefit from the growing popularity of the sport. Therefore, the United States Polo Association didn’t officially include women until 1972 even with the U.S. Open Women’s Polo Championship… Read More »Growth of Women’s Polo


Polo has long been considered the “sport of kings”; a thrilling pastime, enjoyed only by the rich and the royal. Although this adage largely held true for many of the early years of the sport, more recently, many clubs, teams, and individual players are making efforts to spread awareness about the sport and bring it to the masses. Additionally, others are utilizing the expensive connections surrounding the sport to benefit… Read More »INTERNATIONAL CHARITY & THE SPORT OF POLO


The sport of polo has long been considered the “sport of kings”; a thrilling pastime, enjoyed only by the rich and the royal. Although this adage largely held true for many of the early years of the sport, more recently, many clubs, teams, and individual players are making efforts to spread awareness about the sport and bring it to the masses. Additionally, others are utilizing the expensive connections surrounding the… Read More »CHARITY & THE SPORT OF POLO IN THE U.S.

Pacho: Player Profile

Polo is said to be the sport of kings, and His Highness Maharaja Sawai Padmanabh Singh of Jaipur is keeping the tradition alive. The 25 year old professional polo playing philanthropist, lovingly known as Pacho, is following in his family’s footsteps, as he continues making strides to change the sport of kings into a sport for all. Pacho Born in New Delhi to parents Princess Diya Kumari of Jaipur and… Read More »Pacho: Player Profile

Tomas Beresford UAE


Tomas ‘Tommy’ Beresford was born into a true polo pedigree. His father, Lord Charles Beresford, was a seven goal professional player, and both José and Gabriel Donoso, Beresford’s uncles on his mother’s side, played high goal polo as well. Tommy’s family history with polo goes even deeper with his Grand father John Hubert de la Poer Beresford, 8th Marquess of Waterford serving as the captain of the All-Ireland Polo Club… Read More »Tommy BERESFORD: PLAYER PROFILE

Sao Pablo, Brazil

Travel to Brazil

Taking up half of South America, Brazil covers over 2,000 miles from its northern end to its most southern tip and is the fifth largest country in the world. The massive stretch of tropical and subtropical landscapes is home to the largest river system in the world. Brazil’s rich cultural history is heavily influenced by its inland border connections to almost every South American country, including Argentina and Uruguay. These… Read More »Travel to Brazil


Hungary: where rich history meets polo

Despite being a relatively small country with a population around nine million, Hungary is home to the largest natural grassland in Europe, the largest lake in Central Europe, and the second largest thermal lake in the world. In addition to its abundance of unique geographical features, the country is also famous for its incredible architecture and historic landmarks. As a landlocked country with seven boarding nations, Hungary has had many… Read More »Hungary: where rich history meets polo


Enjoy fun, sun, and polo in Jamaica

Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean sea at about 146 miles long and 22 to 51 miles wide. Across the country’s long history intertwined with colonialism, Jamaica’s lands are covered in remnants of the Spanish, European, and French influences they have experienced across time. Although Jamaica secured its independence from the United Kingdom in 1962, it is still a member of the Commonwealth, and as such, the… Read More »Enjoy fun, sun, and polo in Jamaica

DUBAI: A destination for polo and luxury

Horseback riding has always been a part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE is often associated with the horse world through its iconic Arabian breed. In addition, Dubai is famously known for the Dubai World Cup, where Thoroughbred race horses compete for a 27 million dollar prize. In addition to the falcon and the Ghaf tree, the horse is an iconic symbol of the UAE that is thought… Read More »DUBAI: A destination for polo and luxury

The Role of the Coach and Captain

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”John C. Maxwell In every match, especially in high-goal polo, there are so many more people on each team than just the players including the grooms, umpires, families, friends, and the team’s leadership.When it comes to high-goal polo, the role of the coach is very similar to other professional sports. When polo players reach the high-goal… Read More »The Role of the Coach and Captain