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polo rules

Rules of Polo – and how they have changed

Polo Origins Prior to the 19th century, there were no official rules to the game of polo. Polo was originally played with 100 or more players on a team to simulate battle and was played by cavalry units. These massive teams also used tree branches or carved sticks to hit a ball made of a combination of willow, bamboo, and leather. Later, the sport became more popular and was allocated… Read More »Rules of Polo – and how they have changed

POLO fast facts

New to polo? Below are the top items you will need to know to understand the game. Polo Fast Facts : 4 PLAYERS PER TEAM 6 CHUKKERS OR PERIODS IN A MATCH 7 1/2 MINUTES per CHUKKER in traditional grass polo 35 MPH = TOP SPEED OF A POLO PONY 110 MPH SPEED = A POLO BALL CAN REACH DURING PLAY 300 X 160 YDS = THE SIZE OF A… Read More »POLO fast facts

POLO 101

New to the sport of polo? It’s fast, it’s dangerous, and you won’t be able to look away. Polo is one of the oldest team sports in history, originating in Central Asia in 600 BC. But if you are new to the sport, get your fast facts below in our Polo 101. Learn all you need to know about polo. There are four different types of polo: traditional outdoor grass… Read More »POLO 101


Want to learn how to play polo? Below are all the top terms you need to know to play polo! Bell or Horn: The bell is rung by the timekeeper to inform the umpires when 7 minutes of play in a chukker have elapsed. Bump: A player is permitted to ride off another player or to remove him from the play. Chukker: A period of play within a game, a… Read More »NEED-TO-KNOW POLO TERMS

History of polo

ORIGINS OF THE SPORT OF KINGS STUDY UP AND BE THE BEST SPECTATOR YOU CAN BE WITH OUR GUIDE TO ALL THINGS POLO HISTORY History Lesson Polo first originated in Persia in 600 B.C. and is one of the oldest recorded team sports in history.Polo is also one of the fastest ball sports in history. Outdoor grass polo features four riders per team each atop a highly trained polo pony… Read More »History of polo